

Framevuerk can have different language, direction, and colors based on the user's taste. To setup your custom version, you should install framevuerk-builder package (next to framevuerk package).

npm i framevuerk-builder -D

And your config or list of configs array in .json file. (Also you can deliver same content via .js file and module.exports format)

{ "config-name": "foobar", "direction": "ltr", "primary-color": "#41b883", "secondary-color": "#35485d", "danger-color": "#dd4b39", "warning-color": "#ef8f00", "info-color": "#14b0cf", "bg-color": "#fff", "header-bg-color": "#35485d", "sidebar-bg-color": "#3a3a3a", "footer-bg-color": "#3a3a3a", "padding : "1em", "transition-speed": "0.35s", "border-radius": "2px", "shadow-size": "1px" }

Finally you can build framevuerk by this cli command. Don't forgot to put your builder command to your build or postinstall scripts. Note that use ./node_modules/.bin/framevuerk-builder instead of framevuerk-builder if you run this command manually in terminal

framevuerk-builder -d "path/to/framevuerk/source/dir" -o "path/to/receive/builded/files" -c "path/to/config/file" # --dir, -d path to framevuerk source folder. default: "./node_modules/framevuerk" # --output-dir, -o path to output files. default: "./node_modules/framevuerk/dist" # --config, -c path to config file. used default config if not set.

And output files goes to --output-dir directory:

  • framevuerk-foobar.js
  • framevuerk-foobar.min.js
  • framevuerk-foobar.css
  • framevuerk-foobar.min.css